臺灣文化學系(Department of Taiwan Studies)
英美語文學系(Department of English)
華語文教學暨書法國際碩士班(International Master Program in Teac...
歷史學系(Department of History)
華文文學系(Department of Sinophone Literature)
中國語文學系(Department of Chinese Languages and Literat...
法律學系(Department of Law)
人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
經濟學系(Department of Economics)
法律學系原住民專班(Indigenous Law Program)
公共行政學系(Department of Public Administration)
諮商與臨床心理學系(Department of Clinical and Counseling Ps...
社會學系(Department of Sociology)
華語文教學國際博士班(Ph.D. Program (International) in Teachi...
亞太區域研究博士班(Ph.D. Program in Asia-pacific Regional S...