人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
花師教育學院(College of Education)
花師教育學院(College of Education)
幼兒教育學系(Department of Early Childhood Education)
特殊教育學系(Department of the Special Education)
教育行政與管理學系(Department of Educational Administration...
教育與潛能開發學系(Department of Education and Human Potent...
體育與運動科學系(Department of Physical Education and Kine...
洄瀾學院(College of Huilan)
原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies)
師資培育中心(Center for Teacher Education)
理工學院(College of Science and Engineering)
管理學院(College of Managemant)
環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Ocean...
藝術學院(College of the Arts)