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112下(2nd semester)
112下(2nd semester)
113下(2nd semester)
113下(2nd semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant)
113下(2nd semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 財務金融學系(Department of Finance)
113下(2nd semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 管理學院(College of Managemant)
113下(2nd semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 數位行銷與服務創新國際學士班(Bachelor Program of Digital Marketing and Service Innovation)
113下(2nd semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 國際企業學系(Department of International Business)
113下(2nd semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 資訊管理學系(Department of Information Management)
113下(2nd semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 會計學系(Department of Accounting)
113下(2nd semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 運籌管理研究所(Graduate Institute of Logistics Management)
113下(2nd semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 管理學院高階經營管理碩士在職專班(Executive Master Program of Business Administration)
113下(2nd semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 觀光暨休閒遊憩學系(Department of Tourism, Recreation and Leisure Studies)
113下(2nd semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 企業管理學系(Department of Business Administration)
113下(2nd semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 管理科學與財金國際學士學位學程(Bachelor Program of Management Science and Finance (International Program))
113下(2nd semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 會計與資訊管理國際學士班(Bachelor Program of Accounting and Information Management)
113下(2nd semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies)
113下(2nd semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 民族語言與傳播學系(Department of Indigenous Languages and Communication)
113下(2nd semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 族群關係與文化學系(Department of Ethnic Relations and Cultures)
113下(2nd semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 民族發展與社會工作學系(Department of Indigenous Development and Social Work)
113下(2nd semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies)
113下(2nd semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 原住民族樂舞與藝術學士學位學程(Undergraduate Program of Indigenous Performance and Arts)
113下(2nd semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 原住民族研究國際博士班(International Ph. D. Program in Indigenous Studies)
113下(2nd semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education)
113下(2nd semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 特殊教育學系(Department of the Special Education)
113下(2nd semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 幼兒教育學系(Department of Early Childhood Education)
113下(2nd semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 教育行政與管理學系(Department of Educational Administration and Management)
113下(2nd semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 多元文化教育碩士班(Master Program of Multicultural Education)
113下(2nd semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 多元文化教育博士班(Ph.D. Program of Multicultural Education)
113下(2nd semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 花師教育學院(College of Education)
113下(2nd semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 體育與運動科學系(Department of Physical Education and Kinesiology)
113下(2nd semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 教育與潛能開發學系(Department of Education and Human Potentials Development)
113下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
113下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 臺灣文化學系(Department of Taiwan Studies)
113下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 英美語文學系(Department of English)
113下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 華語文教學暨書法國際碩士班(International Master Program in Teaching Chinese and Calligraphy)
113下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 歷史學系(Department of History)
113下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 華文文學系(Department of Sinophone Literature)
113下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 中國語文學系(Department of Chinese Languages and Literature)
113下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 法律學系(Department of Law)
113下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
113下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 經濟學系(Department of Economics)
113下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 法律學系原住民專班(Indigenous Law Program)
113下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 公共行政學系(Department of Public Administration)
113下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 諮商與臨床心理學系(Department of Clinical and Counseling Psychology)
113下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 社會學系(Department of Sociology)
113下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 華語文教學國際博士班(Ph.D. Program (International) in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language)
113下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 亞太區域研究博士班(Ph.D. Program in Asia-pacific Regional Studies)
113下(2nd semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering)
113下(2nd semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 物理學系(Department of Physics)
113下(2nd semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 電機工程學系(Department of Electrical Engineering)
113下(2nd semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering)
113下(2nd semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 光電工程學系(Department of Opto-electronic Engineering)
113下(2nd semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 化學系(Department of Chemistry)
113下(2nd semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 資訊工程學系(Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering)
113下(2nd semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 大數據科學國際學士班(Bachelor Degree Program of Data Science)
113下(2nd semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 材料科學與工程學系(Department of Materials Science and Engineering)
113下(2nd semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 生化暨分子醫學科學系(Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine)
113下(2nd semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 應用數學系(Department of Applied Mathematics)
113下(2nd semester) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts)
113下(2nd semester) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts) / 藝術與設計學系(Department of Art and Design)
113下(2nd semester) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts)
113下(2nd semester) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts) / 藝術創意產業學系(Department of Art and Creative Industry)
113下(2nd semester) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts) / 音樂學系(Department of Music)
113下(2nd semester) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts) / 藝術跨領域國際博士班(The Ph.D. Program in Interdisciplinary Arts)
113下(2nd semester) / 環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography)
113下(2nd semester) / 環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography) / 自然資源與環境學系(Department of Natural Resource and Environmental Studies)
113下(2nd semester) / 環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography) / 環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography)
113下(2nd semester) / 環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography) / 海洋生物研究所(Institute of Marine Biology)
113下(2nd semester) / 環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography) / 人文與環境碩士學位學程(全英語授課)(Master of Humanity and Environmental Science Program)
113下(2nd semester) / 師資培育中心(Center for Teacher Education)
113下(2nd semester) / 師資培育中心(Center for Teacher Education) / 師資培育中心-小教(Elementary Education Program Section)
113下(2nd semester) / 師資培育中心(Center for Teacher Education) / 師資培育中心-中等教育(Secondary Education Program Section)
113下(2nd semester) / 師資培育中心(Center for Teacher Education) / 雙語教學師資培育課程(Course of Billingual Teacher Education)
113下(2nd semester) / 師資培育中心(Center for Teacher Education) / 卓越儲備教師增能學程(The Program of Promoting Specialties of Prominent Teacher-to-be of NDHU)
113下(2nd semester) / 洄瀾學院(College of Huilan)
113下(2nd semester) / 洄瀾學院(College of Huilan) / 華語文中心(Chinese Language Center)
113下(2nd semester) / 洄瀾學院(College of Huilan) / 體育中心(Physical Education Center)
113下(2nd semester) / 洄瀾學院(College of Huilan) / 通識教育中心(General Education Center)
113下(2nd semester) / 洄瀾學院(College of Huilan) / 縱谷跨域書院學士學位學程(Undergraduate Degree Program of Rift Valley Interdisciplinary Academy)
113下(2nd semester) / 洄瀾學院(College of Huilan) / 語言中心(Language Center)
113上(1st semester)
113上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
113上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
113上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 中國語文學系(Department of Chinese Languages and Literature)
113上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 公共行政學系(Department of Public Administration)
113上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 亞太區域研究博士班(Ph.D. Program in Asia-pacific Regional Studies)
113上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 法律學系(Department of Law)
113上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 法律學系原住民專班(Indigenous Law Program)
113上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 社會學系(Department of Sociology)
113上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 英美語文學系(Department of English)
113上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 華文文學系(Department of Sinophone Literature)
113上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 華語文教學國際博士班(Ph.D. Program (International) in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language)
113上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 華語文教學暨書法國際碩士班(International Master Program in Teaching Chinese and Calligraphy)
113上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 經濟學系(Department of Economics)
113上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 臺灣文化學系(Department of Taiwan Studies)
113上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 歷史學系(Department of History)
113上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 諮商與臨床心理學系(Department of Clinical and Counseling Psychology)
113上(1st semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education)
113上(1st semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 幼兒教育學系(Department of Early Childhood Education)
113上(1st semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 多元文化教育博士班(Ph.D. Program of Multicultural Education)
113上(1st semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 多元文化教育碩士班(Master Program of Multicultural Education)
113上(1st semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 花師教育學院(College of Education)
113上(1st semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 特殊教育學系(Department of the Special Education)
113上(1st semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 教育行政與管理學系(Department of Educational Administration and Management)
113上(1st semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 教育與潛能開發學系(Department of Education and Human Potentials Development)
113上(1st semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 體育與運動科學系(Department of Physical Education and Kinesiology)
113上(1st semester) / 洄瀾學院(College of Huilan)
113上(1st semester) / 洄瀾學院(College of Huilan) / 通識教育中心(General Education Center)
113上(1st semester) / 洄瀾學院(College of Huilan) / 華語文中心(Chinese Language Center)
113上(1st semester) / 洄瀾學院(College of Huilan) / 語言中心(Language Center)
113上(1st semester) / 洄瀾學院(College of Huilan) / 縱谷跨域書院學士學位學程(Undergraduate Degree Program of Rift Valley Interdisciplinary Academy)
113上(1st semester) / 洄瀾學院(College of Huilan) / 體育中心(Physical Education Center)
113上(1st semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies)
113上(1st semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 民族發展與社會工作學系(Department of Indigenous Development and Social Work)
113上(1st semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 民族語言與傳播學系(Department of Indigenous Languages and Communication)
113上(1st semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies)
113上(1st semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 原住民族研究國際博士班(International Ph. D. Program in Indigenous Studies)
113上(1st semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 原住民族樂舞與藝術學士學位學程(Undergraduate Program of Indigenous Performance and Arts)
113上(1st semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 族群關係與文化學系(Department of Ethnic Relations and Cultures)
113上(1st semester) / 師資培育中心(Center for Teacher Education)
113上(1st semester) / 師資培育中心(Center for Teacher Education) / 師資培育中心-小教(Elementary Education Program Section)
113上(1st semester) / 師資培育中心(Center for Teacher Education) / 師資培育中心-中等教育(Secondary Education Program Section)
113上(1st semester) / 師資培育中心(Center for Teacher Education) / 雙語教學師資培育課程(Course of Billingual Teacher Education)
113上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering)
113上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 大數據科學國際學士班(Bachelor Degree Program of Data Science)
113上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 化學系(Department of Chemistry)
113上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 生化暨分子醫學科學系(Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine)
113上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 光電工程學系(Department of Opto-electronic Engineering)
113上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 材料科學與工程學系(Department of Materials Science and Engineering)
113上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 物理學系(Department of Physics)
113上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering)
113上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 資訊工程學系(Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering)
113上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 電機工程學系(Department of Electrical Engineering)
113上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 應用數學系(Department of Applied Mathematics)
113上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant)
113上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 企業管理學系(Department of Business Administration)
113上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 企業管理學系(Department of Business Administration) / 企管系碩士學分班
113上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 財務金融學系(Department of Finance)
113上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 國際企業學系(Department of International Business)
113上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 會計與資訊管理國際學士班(Bachelor Program of Accounting and Information Management)
113上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 會計學系(Department of Accounting)
113上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 資訊管理學系(Department of Information Management)
113上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 運籌管理研究所(Graduate Institute of Logistics Management)
113上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 管理科學與財金國際學士學位學程(Bachelor Program of Management Science and Finance (International Program))
113上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 管理學院(College of Managemant)
113上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 管理學院高階經營管理碩士在職專班(Executive Master Program of Business Administration)
113上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 數位行銷與服務創新國際學士班(Bachelor Program of Digital Marketing and Service Innovation)
113上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 觀光暨休閒遊憩學系(Department of Tourism, Recreation and Leisure Studies)
113上(1st semester) / 環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography)
113上(1st semester) / 環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography) / 人文與環境碩士學位學程(全英語授課)(Master of Humanity and Environmental Science Program)
113上(1st semester) / 環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography) / 自然資源與環境學系(Department of Natural Resource and Environmental Studies)
113上(1st semester) / 環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography) / 海洋生物研究所(Institute of Marine Biology)
113上(1st semester) / 環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography) / 環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography)
113上(1st semester) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts)
113上(1st semester) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts) / 音樂學系(Department of Music)
113上(1st semester) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts) / 藝術創意產業學系(Department of Art and Creative Industry)
113上(1st semester) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts) / 藝術跨領域國際博士班(The Ph.D. Program in Interdisciplinary Arts)
113上(1st semester) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts) / 藝術與設計學系(Department of Art and Design)
113上(1st semester) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts)
113暑(summer) / 洄瀾學院(College of Huilan)
113暑(summer) / 洄瀾學院(College of Huilan) / 通識教育中心(General Education Center)
113暑(summer) / 師資培育中心(Center for Teacher Education)
113暑(summer) / 師資培育中心(Center for Teacher Education) / 師資培育中心-小教(Elementary Education Program Section)
113暑(summer) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering)
113暑(summer) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 物理學系(Department of Physics)
113暑(summer) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 資訊工程學系(Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering)
113暑(summer) / 暑期課程先修班(Summer Pre-course Classes)
113暑(summer) / 暑期課程先修班(Summer Pre-course Classes) / 暑期課程先修班(Summer Pre-course Classes)
112下(2nd semester)
112下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
112下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
112下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 中國語文學系(Department of Chinese Languages and Literature)
112下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 公共行政學系(Department of Public Administration)
112下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 亞太區域研究博士班(Ph.D. Program in Asia-pacific Regional Studies)
112下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 法律學系(Department of Law)
112下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 法律學系原住民專班(Indigenous Law Program)
112下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 社會學系(Department of Sociology)
112下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 英美語文學系(Department of English)
112下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 華文文學系(Department of Sinophone Literature)
112下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 華語文教學國際博士班(Ph.D. Program (International) in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language)
112下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 華語文教學暨書法國際碩士班(International Master Program in Teaching Chinese and Calligraphy)
112下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 經濟學系(Department of Economics)
112下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 臺灣文化學系(Department of Taiwan Studies)
112下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 歷史學系(Department of History)
112下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 諮商與臨床心理學系(Department of Clinical and Counseling Psychology)
112下(2nd semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education)
112下(2nd semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 幼兒教育學系(Department of Early Childhood Education)
112下(2nd semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 花師教育學院(College of Education)
112下(2nd semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 特殊教育學系(Department of the Special Education)
112下(2nd semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 教育行政與管理學系(Department of Educational Administration and Management)
112下(2nd semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 教育與潛能開發學系(Department of Education and Human Potentials Development)
112下(2nd semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 體育與運動科學系(Department of Physical Education and Kinesiology)
112下(2nd semester) / 洄瀾學院(College of Huilan)
112下(2nd semester) / 洄瀾學院(College of Huilan) / 通識教育中心(General Education Center)
112下(2nd semester) / 洄瀾學院(College of Huilan) / 縱谷跨域書院學士學位學程(Undergraduate Degree Program of Rift Valley Interdisciplinary Academy)
112下(2nd semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies)
112下(2nd semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 民族事務與發展學系(Development of Indigenous Affairs and Ethno-development)
112下(2nd semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 民族社會工作學士學位學程(Undergraduate Program of Indigenous Social Work)
112下(2nd semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 民族語言與傳播學系(Department of Indigenous Languages and Communication)
112下(2nd semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies)
112下(2nd semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 原住民族研究國際博士班(International Ph. D. Program in Indigenous Studies)
112下(2nd semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 原住民族樂舞與藝術學士學位學程(Undergraduate Program of Indigenous Performance and Arts)
112下(2nd semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 族群關係與文化學系(Department of Ethnic Relations and Cultures)
112下(2nd semester) / 師資培育中心(Center for Teacher Education)
112下(2nd semester) / 師資培育中心(Center for Teacher Education) / 師資培育中心-小教(Elementary Education Program Section)
112下(2nd semester) / 師資培育中心(Center for Teacher Education) / 師資培育中心-中等教育(Secondary Education Program Section)
112下(2nd semester) / 師資培育中心(Center for Teacher Education) / 卓越儲備教師增能學程()
112下(2nd semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering)
112下(2nd semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 化學系(Department of Chemistry)
112下(2nd semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 生命科學系(Department of Life Science)
112下(2nd semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 光電工程學系(Department of Opto-electronic Engineering)
112下(2nd semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 材料科學與工程學系(Department of Materials Science and Engineering)
112下(2nd semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 物理學系(Department of Physics)
112下(2nd semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering)
112下(2nd semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 資訊工程學系(Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering)
112下(2nd semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 電機工程學系(Department of Electrical Engineering)
112下(2nd semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 應用數學系(Department of Applied Mathematics)
112下(2nd semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant)
112下(2nd semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 企業管理學系(Department of Business Administration)
112下(2nd semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 財務金融學系(Department of Finance)
112下(2nd semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 國際企業學系(Department of International Business)
112下(2nd semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 會計與資訊管理國際學士班(Bachelor Program of Accounting and Information Management)
112下(2nd semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 會計學系(Department of Accounting)
112下(2nd semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 資訊管理學系(Department of Information Management)
112下(2nd semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 運籌管理研究所(Graduate Institute of Logistics Management)
112下(2nd semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 管理科學與財金國際學士學位學程(Bachelor Program of Management Science and Finance (International Program))
112下(2nd semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 管理學院(College of Managemant)
112下(2nd semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 管理學院高階經營管理碩士在職專班(Executive Master Program of Business Administration)
112下(2nd semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 觀光暨休閒遊憩學系(Department of Tourism, Recreation and Leisure Studies)
112下(2nd semester) / 環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography)
112下(2nd semester) / 環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography) / 人文與環境碩士學位學程(全英語授課)(Master of Humanity and Environmental Science Program)
112下(2nd semester) / 環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography) / 自然資源與環境學系(Department of Natural Resource and Environmental Studies)
112下(2nd semester) / 環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography) / 海洋生物研究所(Institute of Marine Biology)
112下(2nd semester) / 環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography) / 環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography)
112下(2nd semester) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts)
112下(2nd semester) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts) / 音樂學系(Department of Music)
112下(2nd semester) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts) / 藝術創意產業學系(Department of Art and Creative Industry)
112下(2nd semester) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts) / 藝術與設計學系(Department of Art and Design)
112下(2nd semester) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts)
112上(1st semester)
112上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
112上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
112上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 中國語文學系(Department of Chinese Languages and Literature)
112上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 公共行政學系(Department of Public Administration)
112上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 亞太區域研究博士班(Ph.D. Program in Asia-pacific Regional Studies)
112上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 法律學系(Department of Law)
112上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 法律學系原住民專班(Indigenous Law Program)
112上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 社會學系(Department of Sociology)
112上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 英美語文學系(Department of English)
112上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 華文文學系(Department of Sinophone Literature)
112上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 華語文教學國際博士班(Ph.D. Program (International) in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language)
112上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 華語文教學暨書法國際碩士班(International Master Program in Teaching Chinese and Calligraphy)
112上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 經濟學系(Department of Economics)
112上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 臺灣文化學系(Department of Taiwan Studies)
112上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 歷史學系(Department of History)
112上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 諮商與臨床心理學系(Department of Clinical and Counseling Psychology)
112上(1st semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education)
112上(1st semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 花師教育學院(College of Education)
112上(1st semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 幼兒教育學系(Department of Early Childhood Education)
112上(1st semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 特殊教育學系(Department of the Special Education)
112上(1st semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 教育行政與管理學系(Department of Educational Administration and Management)
112上(1st semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 教育與潛能開發學系(Department of Education and Human Potentials Development)
112上(1st semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 體育與運動科學系(Department of Physical Education and Kinesiology)
112上(1st semester) / 洄瀾學院(College of Huilan)
112上(1st semester) / 洄瀾學院(College of Huilan) / 通識教育中心(General Education Center)
112上(1st semester) / 洄瀾學院(College of Huilan) / 縱谷跨域書院學士學位學程(Undergraduate Degree Program of Rift Valley Interdisciplinary Academy)
112上(1st semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies)
112上(1st semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies)
112上(1st semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 民族事務與發展學系(Development of Indigenous Affairs and Ethno-development)
112上(1st semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 民族社會工作學士學位學程(Undergraduate Program of Indigenous Social Work)
112上(1st semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 民族語言與傳播學系(Department of Indigenous Languages and Communication)
112上(1st semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 原住民族研究國際博士班(International Ph. D. Program in Indigenous Studies)
112上(1st semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 原住民族樂舞與藝術學士學位學程(Undergraduate Program of Indigenous Performance and Arts)
112上(1st semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 族群關係與文化學系(Department of Ethnic Relations and Cultures)
112上(1st semester) / 師資培育中心(Center for Teacher Education)
112上(1st semester) / 師資培育中心(Center for Teacher Education) / 師資培育中心-小教(Elementary Education Program Section)
112上(1st semester) / 師資培育中心(Center for Teacher Education) / 師資培育中心-中等教育(Secondary Education Program Section)
112上(1st semester) / 師資培育中心(Center for Teacher Education) / 雙語教學師資培育課程(Course of Billingual Teacher Education)
112上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering)
112上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering)
112上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 化學系(Department of Chemistry)
112上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 生命科學系(Department of Life Science)
112上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 光電工程學系(Department of Opto-electronic Engineering)
112上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 材料科學與工程學系(Department of Materials Science and Engineering)
112上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 物理學系(Department of Physics)
112上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 資訊工程學系(Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering)
112上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 電機工程學系(Department of Electrical Engineering)
112上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 應用數學系(Department of Applied Mathematics)
112上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant)
112上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 管理學院(College of Managemant)
112上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 管理學院高階經營管理碩士在職專班(Executive Master Program of Business Administration)
112上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 企業管理學系(Department of Business Administration)
112上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 財務金融學系(Department of Finance)
112上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 國際企業學系(Department of International Business)
112上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 會計與資訊管理國際學士班(Bachelor Program of Accounting and Information Management)
112上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 會計學系(Department of Accounting)
112上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 資訊管理學系(Department of Information Management)
112上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 運籌管理研究所(Graduate Institute of Logistics Management)
112上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 管理科學與財金國際學士學位學程(Bachelor Program of Management Science and Finance (International Program))
112上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 觀光暨休閒遊憩學系(Department of Tourism, Recreation and Leisure Studies)
112上(1st semester) / 環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography)
112上(1st semester) / 環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography) / 環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography)
112上(1st semester) / 環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography) / 自然資源與環境學系(Department of Natural Resource and Environmental Studies)
112上(1st semester) / 環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography) / 海洋生物研究所(Institute of Marine Biology)
112上(1st semester) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts)
112上(1st semester) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts)
112上(1st semester) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts) / 音樂學系(Department of Music)
112上(1st semester) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts) / 藝術創意產業學系(Department of Art and Creative Industry)
112上(1st semester) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts) / 藝術與設計學系(Department of Art and Design)
人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
花師教育學院(College of Education)
洄瀾學院(College of Huilan)
原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies)
師資培育中心(Center for Teacher Education)
理工學院(College of Science and Engineering)
管理學院(College of Managemant)
環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography)
藝術學院(College of the Arts)