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臺灣文化學系(Department of Taiwan Studies)
113上(1st semester)
人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
臺灣文化學系(Department of Taiwan Studies)
Course categories
113上(1st semester)
113上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
113上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
113上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 中國語文學系(Department of Chinese Languages and Literature)
113上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 公共行政學系(Department of Public Administration)
113上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 亞太區域研究博士班(Ph.D. Program in Asia-pacific Regional Studies)
113上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 法律學系(Department of Law)
113上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 法律學系原住民專班(Indigenous Law Program)
113上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 社會學系(Department of Sociology)
113上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 英美語文學系(Department of English)
113上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 華文文學系(Department of Sinophone Literature)
113上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 華語文教學國際博士班(Ph.D. Program (International) in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language)
113上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 華語文教學暨書法國際碩士班(International Master Program in Teaching Chinese and Calligraphy)
113上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 經濟學系(Department of Economics)
113上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 臺灣文化學系(Department of Taiwan Studies)
113上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 歷史學系(Department of History)
113上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 諮商與臨床心理學系(Department of Clinical and Counseling Psychology)
113上(1st semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education)
113上(1st semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 幼兒教育學系(Department of Early Childhood Education)
113上(1st semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 多元文化教育博士班(Ph.D. Program of Multicultural Education)
113上(1st semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 多元文化教育碩士班(Master Program of Multicultural Education)
113上(1st semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 花師教育學院(College of Education)
113上(1st semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 特殊教育學系(Department of the Special Education)
113上(1st semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 教育行政與管理學系(Department of Educational Administration and Management)
113上(1st semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 教育與潛能開發學系(Department of Education and Human Potentials Development)
113上(1st semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 體育與運動科學系(Department of Physical Education and Kinesiology)
113上(1st semester) / 洄瀾學院(College of Huilan)
113上(1st semester) / 洄瀾學院(College of Huilan) / 通識教育中心(General Education Center)
113上(1st semester) / 洄瀾學院(College of Huilan) / 華語文中心(Chinese Language Center)
113上(1st semester) / 洄瀾學院(College of Huilan) / 語言中心(Language Center)
113上(1st semester) / 洄瀾學院(College of Huilan) / 縱谷跨域書院學士學位學程(Undergraduate Degree Program of Rift Valley Interdisciplinary Academy)
113上(1st semester) / 洄瀾學院(College of Huilan) / 體育中心(Physical Education Center)
113上(1st semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies)
113上(1st semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 民族發展與社會工作學系(Department of Indigenous Development and Social Work)
113上(1st semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 民族語言與傳播學系(Department of Indigenous Languages and Communication)
113上(1st semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies)
113上(1st semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 原住民族研究國際博士班(International Ph. D. Program in Indigenous Studies)
113上(1st semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 原住民族樂舞與藝術學士學位學程(Undergraduate Program of Indigenous Performance and Arts)
113上(1st semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 族群關係與文化學系(Department of Ethnic Relations and Cultures)
113上(1st semester) / 師資培育中心(Center for Teacher Education)
113上(1st semester) / 師資培育中心(Center for Teacher Education) / 師資培育中心-小教(Elementary Education Program Section)
113上(1st semester) / 師資培育中心(Center for Teacher Education) / 師資培育中心-中等教育(Secondary Education Program Section)
113上(1st semester) / 師資培育中心(Center for Teacher Education) / 雙語教學師資培育課程(Course of Billingual Teacher Education)
113上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering)
113上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 大數據科學國際學士班(Bachelor Degree Program of Data Science)
113上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 化學系(Department of Chemistry)
113上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 生化暨分子醫學科學系(Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine)
113上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 光電工程學系(Department of Opto-electronic Engineering)
113上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 材料科學與工程學系(Department of Materials Science and Engineering)
113上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 物理學系(Department of Physics)
113上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering)
113上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 資訊工程學系(Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering)
113上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 電機工程學系(Department of Electrical Engineering)
113上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 應用數學系(Department of Applied Mathematics)
113上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant)
113上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 企業管理學系(Department of Business Administration)
113上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 企業管理學系(Department of Business Administration) / 企管系碩士學分班
113上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 財務金融學系(Department of Finance)
113上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 國際企業學系(Department of International Business)
113上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 會計與資訊管理國際學士班(Bachelor Program of Accounting and Information Management)
113上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 會計學系(Department of Accounting)
113上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 資訊管理學系(Department of Information Management)
113上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 運籌管理研究所(Graduate Institute of Logistics Management)
113上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 管理科學與財金國際學士學位學程(Bachelor Program of Management Science and Finance (International Program))
113上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 管理學院(College of Managemant)
113上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 管理學院高階經營管理碩士在職專班(Executive Master Program of Business Administration)
113上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 數位行銷與服務創新國際學士班(Bachelor Program of Digital Marketing and Service Innovation)
113上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 觀光暨休閒遊憩學系(Department of Tourism, Recreation and Leisure Studies)
113上(1st semester) / 環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography)
113上(1st semester) / 環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography) / 人文與環境碩士學位學程(全英語授課)(Master of Humanity and Environmental Science Program)
113上(1st semester) / 環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography) / 自然資源與環境學系(Department of Natural Resource and Environmental Studies)
113上(1st semester) / 環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography) / 海洋生物研究所(Institute of Marine Biology)
113上(1st semester) / 環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography) / 環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography)
113上(1st semester) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts)
113上(1st semester) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts) / 音樂學系(Department of Music)
113上(1st semester) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts) / 藝術創意產業學系(Department of Art and Creative Industry)
113上(1st semester) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts) / 藝術跨領域國際博士班(The Ph.D. Program in Interdisciplinary Arts)
113上(1st semester) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts) / 藝術與設計學系(Department of Art and Design)
113上(1st semester) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts)
113暑(summer) / 洄瀾學院(College of Huilan)
113暑(summer) / 洄瀾學院(College of Huilan) / 通識教育中心(General Education Center)
113暑(summer) / 師資培育中心(Center for Teacher Education)
113暑(summer) / 師資培育中心(Center for Teacher Education) / 師資培育中心-小教(Elementary Education Program Section)
113暑(summer) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering)
113暑(summer) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 物理學系(Department of Physics)
113暑(summer) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 資訊工程學系(Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering)
113暑(summer) / 暑期課程先修班(Summer Pre-course Classes)
113暑(summer) / 暑期課程先修班(Summer Pre-course Classes) / 暑期課程先修班(Summer Pre-course Classes)
112下(2nd semester)
112下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
112下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
112下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 中國語文學系(Department of Chinese Languages and Literature)
112下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 公共行政學系(Department of Public Administration)
112下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 亞太區域研究博士班(Ph.D. Program in Asia-pacific Regional Studies)
112下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 法律學系(Department of Law)
112下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 法律學系原住民專班(Indigenous Law Program)
112下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 社會學系(Department of Sociology)
112下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 英美語文學系(Department of English)
112下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 華文文學系(Department of Sinophone Literature)
112下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 華語文教學國際博士班(Ph.D. Program (International) in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language)
112下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 華語文教學暨書法國際碩士班(International Master Program in Teaching Chinese and Calligraphy)
112下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 經濟學系(Department of Economics)
112下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 臺灣文化學系(Department of Taiwan Studies)
112下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 歷史學系(Department of History)
112下(2nd semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 諮商與臨床心理學系(Department of Clinical and Counseling Psychology)
112下(2nd semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education)
112下(2nd semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 幼兒教育學系(Department of Early Childhood Education)
112下(2nd semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 花師教育學院(College of Education)
112下(2nd semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 特殊教育學系(Department of the Special Education)
112下(2nd semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 教育行政與管理學系(Department of Educational Administration and Management)
112下(2nd semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 教育與潛能開發學系(Department of Education and Human Potentials Development)
112下(2nd semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 體育與運動科學系(Department of Physical Education and Kinesiology)
112下(2nd semester) / 洄瀾學院(College of Huilan)
112下(2nd semester) / 洄瀾學院(College of Huilan) / 通識教育中心(General Education Center)
112下(2nd semester) / 洄瀾學院(College of Huilan) / 縱谷跨域書院學士學位學程(Undergraduate Degree Program of Rift Valley Interdisciplinary Academy)
112下(2nd semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies)
112下(2nd semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 民族事務與發展學系(Development of Indigenous Affairs and Ethno-development)
112下(2nd semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 民族社會工作學士學位學程(Undergraduate Program of Indigenous Social Work)
112下(2nd semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 民族語言與傳播學系(Department of Indigenous Languages and Communication)
112下(2nd semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies)
112下(2nd semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 原住民族研究國際博士班(International Ph. D. Program in Indigenous Studies)
112下(2nd semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 原住民族樂舞與藝術學士學位學程(Undergraduate Program of Indigenous Performance and Arts)
112下(2nd semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 族群關係與文化學系(Department of Ethnic Relations and Cultures)
112下(2nd semester) / 師資培育中心(Center for Teacher Education)
112下(2nd semester) / 師資培育中心(Center for Teacher Education) / 師資培育中心-小教(Elementary Education Program Section)
112下(2nd semester) / 師資培育中心(Center for Teacher Education) / 師資培育中心-中等教育(Secondary Education Program Section)
112下(2nd semester) / 師資培育中心(Center for Teacher Education) / 卓越儲備教師增能學程()
112下(2nd semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering)
112下(2nd semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 化學系(Department of Chemistry)
112下(2nd semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 生命科學系(Department of Life Science)
112下(2nd semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 光電工程學系(Department of Opto-electronic Engineering)
112下(2nd semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 材料科學與工程學系(Department of Materials Science and Engineering)
112下(2nd semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 物理學系(Department of Physics)
112下(2nd semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering)
112下(2nd semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 資訊工程學系(Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering)
112下(2nd semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 電機工程學系(Department of Electrical Engineering)
112下(2nd semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 應用數學系(Department of Applied Mathematics)
112下(2nd semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant)
112下(2nd semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 企業管理學系(Department of Business Administration)
112下(2nd semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 財務金融學系(Department of Finance)
112下(2nd semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 國際企業學系(Department of International Business)
112下(2nd semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 會計與資訊管理國際學士班(Bachelor Program of Accounting and Information Management)
112下(2nd semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 會計學系(Department of Accounting)
112下(2nd semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 資訊管理學系(Department of Information Management)
112下(2nd semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 運籌管理研究所(Graduate Institute of Logistics Management)
112下(2nd semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 管理科學與財金國際學士學位學程(Bachelor Program of Management Science and Finance (International Program))
112下(2nd semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 管理學院(College of Managemant)
112下(2nd semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 管理學院高階經營管理碩士在職專班(Executive Master Program of Business Administration)
112下(2nd semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 觀光暨休閒遊憩學系(Department of Tourism, Recreation and Leisure Studies)
112下(2nd semester) / 環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography)
112下(2nd semester) / 環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography) / 人文與環境碩士學位學程(全英語授課)(Master of Humanity and Environmental Science Program)
112下(2nd semester) / 環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography) / 自然資源與環境學系(Department of Natural Resource and Environmental Studies)
112下(2nd semester) / 環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography) / 海洋生物研究所(Institute of Marine Biology)
112下(2nd semester) / 環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography) / 環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography)
112下(2nd semester) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts)
112下(2nd semester) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts) / 音樂學系(Department of Music)
112下(2nd semester) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts) / 藝術創意產業學系(Department of Art and Creative Industry)
112下(2nd semester) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts) / 藝術與設計學系(Department of Art and Design)
112下(2nd semester) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts)
112上(1st semester)
112上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
112上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
112上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 中國語文學系(Department of Chinese Languages and Literature)
112上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 公共行政學系(Department of Public Administration)
112上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 亞太區域研究博士班(Ph.D. Program in Asia-pacific Regional Studies)
112上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 法律學系(Department of Law)
112上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 法律學系原住民專班(Indigenous Law Program)
112上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 社會學系(Department of Sociology)
112上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 英美語文學系(Department of English)
112上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 華文文學系(Department of Sinophone Literature)
112上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 華語文教學國際博士班(Ph.D. Program (International) in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language)
112上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 華語文教學暨書法國際碩士班(International Master Program in Teaching Chinese and Calligraphy)
112上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 經濟學系(Department of Economics)
112上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 臺灣文化學系(Department of Taiwan Studies)
112上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 歷史學系(Department of History)
112上(1st semester) / 人文社會科學學院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences) / 諮商與臨床心理學系(Department of Clinical and Counseling Psychology)
112上(1st semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education)
112上(1st semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 花師教育學院(College of Education)
112上(1st semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 幼兒教育學系(Department of Early Childhood Education)
112上(1st semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 特殊教育學系(Department of the Special Education)
112上(1st semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 教育行政與管理學系(Department of Educational Administration and Management)
112上(1st semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 教育與潛能開發學系(Department of Education and Human Potentials Development)
112上(1st semester) / 花師教育學院(College of Education) / 體育與運動科學系(Department of Physical Education and Kinesiology)
112上(1st semester) / 洄瀾學院(College of Huilan)
112上(1st semester) / 洄瀾學院(College of Huilan) / 通識教育中心(General Education Center)
112上(1st semester) / 洄瀾學院(College of Huilan) / 縱谷跨域書院學士學位學程(Undergraduate Degree Program of Rift Valley Interdisciplinary Academy)
112上(1st semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies)
112上(1st semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies)
112上(1st semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 民族事務與發展學系(Development of Indigenous Affairs and Ethno-development)
112上(1st semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 民族社會工作學士學位學程(Undergraduate Program of Indigenous Social Work)
112上(1st semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 民族語言與傳播學系(Department of Indigenous Languages and Communication)
112上(1st semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 原住民族研究國際博士班(International Ph. D. Program in Indigenous Studies)
112上(1st semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 原住民族樂舞與藝術學士學位學程(Undergraduate Program of Indigenous Performance and Arts)
112上(1st semester) / 原住民民族學院(College of Indigenous Studies) / 族群關係與文化學系(Department of Ethnic Relations and Cultures)
112上(1st semester) / 師資培育中心(Center for Teacher Education)
112上(1st semester) / 師資培育中心(Center for Teacher Education) / 師資培育中心-小教(Elementary Education Program Section)
112上(1st semester) / 師資培育中心(Center for Teacher Education) / 師資培育中心-中等教育(Secondary Education Program Section)
112上(1st semester) / 師資培育中心(Center for Teacher Education) / 雙語教學師資培育課程(Course of Billingual Teacher Education)
112上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering)
112上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering)
112上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 化學系(Department of Chemistry)
112上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 生命科學系(Department of Life Science)
112上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 光電工程學系(Department of Opto-electronic Engineering)
112上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 材料科學與工程學系(Department of Materials Science and Engineering)
112上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 物理學系(Department of Physics)
112上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 資訊工程學系(Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering)
112上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 電機工程學系(Department of Electrical Engineering)
112上(1st semester) / 理工學院(College of Science and Engineering) / 應用數學系(Department of Applied Mathematics)
112上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant)
112上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 管理學院(College of Managemant)
112上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 管理學院高階經營管理碩士在職專班(Executive Master Program of Business Administration)
112上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 企業管理學系(Department of Business Administration)
112上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 財務金融學系(Department of Finance)
112上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 國際企業學系(Department of International Business)
112上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 會計與資訊管理國際學士班(Bachelor Program of Accounting and Information Management)
112上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 會計學系(Department of Accounting)
112上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 資訊管理學系(Department of Information Management)
112上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 運籌管理研究所(Graduate Institute of Logistics Management)
112上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 管理科學與財金國際學士學位學程(Bachelor Program of Management Science and Finance (International Program))
112上(1st semester) / 管理學院(College of Managemant) / 觀光暨休閒遊憩學系(Department of Tourism, Recreation and Leisure Studies)
112上(1st semester) / 環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography)
112上(1st semester) / 環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography) / 環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography)
112上(1st semester) / 環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography) / 自然資源與環境學系(Department of Natural Resource and Environmental Studies)
112上(1st semester) / 環境暨海洋學院(College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography) / 海洋生物研究所(Institute of Marine Biology)
112上(1st semester) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts)
112上(1st semester) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts)
112上(1st semester) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts) / 音樂學系(Department of Music)
112上(1st semester) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts) / 藝術創意產業學系(Department of Art and Creative Industry)
112上(1st semester) / 藝術學院(College of the Arts) / 藝術與設計學系(Department of Art and Design)
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TS__52290-專題研討(一)(Seminar in Independent Studies(I))-113上(1st semester)
TS__5228Z-文化與社會地理研究(Studies on cultural and social geographies)-113上(1st semester)
TS__5208Z-臺灣社會史(Social History of Taiwan)-113上(1st semester)
TS__52060-臺灣文化專題(二)(Topic on Taiwanese Cultures II)-113上(1st semester)
TS__51420-臺灣民俗文化(Folkculture of Taiwan)-113上(1st semester)
TS__41100-臺灣文化產業實習(Program of Taiwan Cultural Industries Internship)-113上(1st semester)
TS__40850-生活客語(Daily Hakka)-113上(1st semester)
TS__31250-台灣文化英文選讀(English for Taiwanese Culture)-113上(1st semester)
TS__31180-地理學研究法(Methodology for Geography)-113上(1st semester)
TS__31020-南島文化史(History of Austronesian Cultures)-113上(1st semester)
TS__30990-東臺灣歷史文化(History and Culture of East Taiwan)-113上(1st semester)
TS__30970-世界地理(World Geography)-113上(1st semester)
TS__21130-當代臺語對話(Conversation of Contemporary Taiwanese Hokkien)-113上(1st semester)
TS__21120-文化研究概論(Introduction to Cultural Studies)-113上(1st semester)
TS__21010-臺灣戲曲概論(Introduction to Taiwanese Drama)-113上(1st semester)
TS__2096AB-臺灣地理AB(Taiwanese Geography)-113上(1st semester)
TS__2096AA-臺灣地理AA(Taiwanese Geography)-113上(1st semester)
TS__20920-文化資產概論(Introduction to Cultural Heritage)-113上(1st semester)
TS__20910-政治地理學(Political Geography)-113上(1st semester)
TS__10740-臺灣閩南語概論(Introduction to Taiwanese Hokkien)-113上(1st semester)
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